Pues eso, que me apetecia hacer unos cuantos test xD
You are a Dougal! The Seelie Dougal are the most
down-to-earth (as much as any fey are) of the
houses. They are very practical and
hard-working. Dougal are of the mind that any
good thing is worth working for, and they dont
mind putting forth the work to get it. Dougal
are renowned for their craftsmanship; the
finest weapons and armor in Concordia are often
made by Dougal hands. The Dougal also pride
themselves on being very practical. Not as
prone to flights of fancy as the other fey, the
Dougal are known for find the most logical
solution to any give problem. Curiously, they
all bear some type of physical deformity, be it
a twisted limb, bad eye, or deaf ear. However,
they always manage to conceal and compensate
for this flaw with their master craftsmanship.
What Changeling Noble House are you? (Updated!)
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mmm siempre preferi los scathacth... pero al menos no fue un Gwydion :D
DRAGON: The mysterious Dragon Clan samurai dwell
high in the mountains, their ways unknown and
unknowable to other clans. With their strange
magic and their enigmatic tattooed monks, the
Dragon constantly seek to unravel the
universe's mysteries in a never-ending quest
for enlightenment.
To Which Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Great Clan do you belong?
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Ahi va la teoria de q soy un escorpion xD
Weyrwoman! You would ride a golden queen dragon.
Like Lessa, Zulaya, and Moreta, you have the
wisdom, strength, and caring inherent to a
senior weyrwoman. Along with the Weryleader,
you are the most powerful and honored person in
the weyr.
A Pern Quiz: What Color Dragon Would You Ride?
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Si tu lo dices... pero los broncineos molan :_
Virtual Adepts
"Do you understand now what you have touched,
seen, heard, smelled and tasted?"
"I knew you would..."
Which WoD Mage Tradition do you belong to?
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quien lo hubiera imaginado.. xD
You are a Child of Gaia... You are the protector of
Earth, you love Gaia and would do anything to
protect her. People think you are weak, but you
are not.
What type of Garou (Werewolf) are you.
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esto SI ha sido una sorpresa... ya me veia como moradora xD
You are a silver dragon. The rarest kind of dragon.
YOu are noble yet avoid humans as much as
possible. You are the guardian of the
defensless and you rule the skies.
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
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mmMMmm silvara mmMMmm
Y eso es todo amigos... siesta *_*
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